Monday, December 6, 2010


Lumbini, the birth place of Shakyamuni Gautama Buddha, is the most sacred place for the Buddhists. many Domestic and international Buddhist dotes visit this site to worship. The site has a stone pillar for commemorating the Birth of Lord Buddha and his visit to pillar confirms an ancient garden Lumbini as well as the birth palace of  Buddha .The  mayadvi temple and the puskarin pound, the birthing centre of Siddhartha Gautama, are other ancient attractions Lumbini Development Committee, consisting of 13 countries including Nepal, in 1970. From then on, china, Myanmar, japan, Vietnam, south Korea, India, Thailand, Germany, France Mongolia and some other countries have been construction Buddha Vihars in this site. Some building for the proposed university, a library, a museum and a research centre in the vicinity also add to the attractions of Lumbini.

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